March 2023

Girls’ and Boys’ Day – Future Day 2023 at Neschen!

Last year, we were pleased to welcome six curious boys here in Bückeburg who wanted to know what it’s like to work at Neschen. This day was exciting and full of new information and knowledge. Our guests could visit different areas of production as well as the administration office and our specialists were ready to answer the many interesting questions. With our participation at the Boys’ and Girls’ Day, we hope to be able to inspire the children’s imagination and creativity and thus perhaps also their interest in choosing a future career with us.

This year we are participating again!

Known as Girls’ Day or Boys’ Day, the Future Day organized by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth is intended to give young people (from the 5th grade onwards) the opportunity to find out about apprenticeships or courses of study without being stereotyped. At Neschen in Bückeburg (Lower Saxony), interested young participants can experience various professions in administration and production at first hand on April 27, 2023.